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What is an Observable ?

The following tutorial will teach you the basics: what is an Observable, an Observer, and what is the logic behind them. We will start using only typing, to understand the essential concepts. The library's functions will be used later.

Definition of an Observer

So, the first thing to do, is to define what is an Observer:

interface IObserver<GValue> {
(value: GValue): void;

An Observer is simply a function that receives and consumes a value. Nothing more. Its purpose is to collect the values sent by an Observable.

Here's an example of an Observer that logs its incoming values:

const observer: IObserver<number> = (value: number): void => {
console.log('value:', value);

Yes, it's just a function ! That's where @lirx/core shines: simplicity and efficiency.

Really simple, isn't it ?

Definition of an Observable

An Observable is an asynchronous stream of values. We subscribe to it, and it will send us its data.

Let's define the Observable:

interface IObservable<GValue> {
(emit: IObserver<GValue>): IUnsubscribe;

An Observable is a function that receives an Observer (used to emit some values, here through emit), and returns an Unsubscribe function (used to free resources and notify the Observable to stop sending these values).

Here's a handmade example of an Observable that emits numbers (an incremented value) every 500ms:

const observable: IObservable<number> = (emit: IObserver<number>): IUnsubscribe => {
let count: number = 0;
// every 500ms, we call the Observer `emit`, with an incremented `count`.
const timer: any = setInterval(() => emit(count++), 500);
// then, we return an unsubscribe function, used to clean up any async operations.
return (): void => {
// in our case, we stop the interval timer.

To build our own Observable, we have to follow this pattern:

  • create a function that receives an emit argument
  • use emit to send some values
  • and return a function which when called must free resources, and stop the Observable from sending values

@lirx/core already provides many functions to create plenty of Observables. Usually you won't have to create them from scratch.

Subscribing to an Observable using an Observer

To read the values of an Observable we just have to provide an Observer to it. So we directly write:

const unsubscribe = observable(observer);

The Observable receives the Observer (the emit argument), and starts sending its values into this Observer.

Thus, in our example, it outputs:

value: 0
value: 1
value: 2
value: 3

Later, when we want to dispose of the Subscription, we simply have to call the returned function (here unsubscribe):

unsubscribe(); // free resources, and stop to emit values

Click here to see the live demo


At this point, you may consider that it's pretty simple, and we've learned nothing: we've just provided a callback to a function... nothing extraordinary. This is where @lirx/core shines: it's simple by design, making it excessively fast and optimized by js engines. But don't stop here, the strength of Reactive Programming is due to its piping possibilities.